Monday, November 15, 2004

2nd day holiday. Uuuuuh boring banget! Seharian gue gak ngapa-ngapain. Gak keluar rumah sama sekali, cuma nonton TV seharian (bangunnya juga siaaaang banget!). Abis itu selesaiin baca chicklitsnya Noek. Mandi aja tadi jam stengah 7 setelah merasa bener-bener capek gak ngapa-ngapain.
Tadi Romi telepon gue dan we're gonna arrange time to hang out again tomorow. I have to do this. Ini baru hari kedua dan gue udah ngerasa SUPER BORED! =(

Mungkin efek dari baca chickits itu gue jadi ngerasa cewe banget today. Seharian walaupun nonton TV, gue punya bayangan-bayangan gak jelas di kepala gue tentang 'masalah gue'. Gue mulai merasa aneh. Takut sich sebenernya. Takut kalo apa yang bakal terjadi gak sesuai dengan apa yang gue harapkan. I have this plan of doing something... I think I have it all under my control. I have pushed myself to be able to stand till the time comes... But actually, deep inside I kinda wish things would go differently. That something, some miracle, out of no where happening will occure that can make me smile...
And ya know what? something does happen! Itz outta my control and I can't take it back.
My sister dialed the forbidden number after playing with my phone. (she must be bored too! =) ) Damn! It should not happen.
Whe I found out, I quickly turn it off, coz I'm scared that he would call. Well, he shouldn't. It's not yet time! =)


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