Friday, October 22, 2004

The morning of my birthday, I try to count how many birthday wishes I get to see how many people loves me... hehehehe
And for all of YOU people, from the deepest of my heart, I THANK YOU! =)
  1. Peki
  2. Maradona
  3. Sasthy
  4. Wulan
  5. Ayu chablaxx
  6. Fey's Dad
  7. Romie
  8. Ronny
  9. Herry
  10. Mario
  11. Sandri
  12. Angie Jenie
  13. Novi
  14. Chessa
  15. Maria
  16. Reney
  17. Alvi
  18. Westri
  19. Vina
  20. Indra
  21. Siska
  22. Deasy
  23. Herry Talent
  24. Pipit
  25. Ibnu UPM
  26. Bas mas
  27. lots of lantai 5 people =P
  28. Mba Herti
  29. Ajie
  30. Noek
  31. Vira
  32. A bunch of persons di kantin
  33. 08568131985 (kayanya si Tia!)
  34. Cici
  35. Ruri

Late wishes on the 21th: =P

  1. Nelly
  2. Monty
  3. Ayu Ayank
  4. Saladyne

One more thing...

On my birthday, gue emang sengaja gak mau bales semua Birthday Wish dari sms... kata Monty, gara-gara gue gak bales sms itu, gue nyolot! hehehehe

Sorry yawwww!


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