Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Gue pikir susah juga yah jadi gue. Mungkin karena gue juga yang terlalu EMBER. Bukan cerita tentang orang-orang yang cerita ke gue (FYI, there are people who tells me their 'little secrets') but if itz about me, I will tell (If they ask me =P).

I love my friends. If I feel something, they are the persons I talk to. I feel that they should know everything I feel and think inside. ANd bocoz of it, I become TOO EMBER! =(
And that's the reason why one of my friend is now, I think, mad or lose trust to me. Becoz I tell my other friends about things... and now I feel guilty nigh! I can't take back all the things I tell my friends. May be next time, gue harus milih-milih kalo cerita.

Oiya, gue sakit. Udah 3 minggu. Seminggu sakit gejala tipes. Recovery belom selesai, gue masuk. Terus sakit lagi dan gak masuk lagi seminggu. Minggu berikutnya gue masuk. Bersenang-senang karena ngerasa udah sehat. Hari minggunya bahkan gue sempet jalan dari pagi ampe malem. Eh... senennya gue sakit lagi (1st diagnosa adalah gue terlalu senang di hari minggu sehingga semua tenaga gue terkuras buehehehehe). Tapi gue gak bisa cepet pulang karena gue udah janji mo ikutan miting. Pulangnya bener-bener ngerasa sakit, jadi besoknya memutuskan untuk istirahat dan ke dokter lagi malemnya karena gak tahan pusing dan mual.

Kesimpulannya, bodi gue gak beres dan gue terpaksa gak bisa masuk lagi paling nggak sampe hai senin =(.
Payah yah bodi gue!


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