Monday, May 31, 2004

This is what happen to me in my weekends.

I promised my high school friends that we're gonna spend weekends together. I was excited to meet them, since I hardly have time for them. So, we promised to meet somewhere after I watched my favorite show... NESCAFE presents MUSIK ASIK GET STARTED Band Competition 2004. =)

My friend picked me up, but before we go somewhere, we stopped by to buy Frech Fries (my favorite junkfood in McD). I'd been wanting to eat that since a week ago!
And after that, we're off to my fiends house.

At my friend's house we watched SERENDIPITY (finally!). I was kinda disturbed, coz my friend would not stop talking when I watched it. But I can feel that it's a great movie. A touchingly romantic movie.
From my friend's un-stop-able 'quack' I learned that it's amazing to know that many people find that their life is similar to that of a movie...

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Dari tadi pagi kuping gue kok gatel ya??
Nggak ngerti kenapa. Herannya kenapa lama gitu. Masa sampe sekarang juga gak ilang-ilang juga gatelnya.
Tapi eiiit... jangan berpikiran negatif dulu. Karena kuping gue gatel dari pagi, terus gue kerjaannya dari pagi cuma ngegaruk kuping gue doang... Enak aja kalo lu mikir kaya gitu. Gue gak sejorok itu. Gue mandi nigh tiap ari, walaupun sering kali cuma sekali. Lagian mana sempet mandi 2 kali kalo kerja DISINI!!.

Anyway, hari ini gue gak sesedih hari-hari kemarin. Gue udah mulai membiasakan diri sendirian, ditinggal temen-temen yang biasanya ada bersama gue (biarpun at least cuma buat makan bareng). Although deep inside I miss THEM... =(

Sebenernya rindunya lebih ke gak ada temen buat cerita. Cerita kekesalan... kekecewaan... keinginan... kesebelan... yah semua deh. Gak enak aja kalo harus ngulang cerita lagi dari awal. Gak seru.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

This morning...


I love my work!
I like my show,
I like the people I work with,
I like the Maria, Anggi Jenie, Maradona, Novi, Mas Bas, and those new guys...
(but of course not my ***s!)

'Love your work,
but not the company you work for...'
~Bazz Mazz~


hiks hiks hiks

I'm tired...
This show I'm doing, has taken all my strength. I need to get some rest.
It's almost 12 and I'm still here (emang biasanya juga dimana??).
If I stay here for another 15 minutes, I will turn into a Pumpkin...

hiks hiks hiks

Monday, May 17, 2004

hiks hiks hiks

sedihnya, when you know someone will leave you... =(

Sunday, May 16, 2004

One more blog for today...

My boss, finally reveals that he knows 'bout my latest gossip. He said it straight to me. Not like the time when my other boss first confronted me with the question, this time i'm not scared. I can answer him boldly. =)
Of course it's not a yes or no answer.

ya sudzlah!
~if itz for me, it won't go away!~

My father just bought an old car. He said though it's old but the machine is in good condition. So one saturday nite, me, my sisters and my sister's boyfriend think we should give it a try and we're off to EX.

It was pretty much predictable... the machine suddenly stopped. =D
Di menteng pula... where so many police stay tune to gather money! hehehehe (what a saturday nite!)
So... me and my sister's boyfriend and my younger sister had to give the car a PUSH. Funny actually. I have been that experienced in 'mobil yang mogok'.
Baru kemarennya mobil bokap gue juga mogok gara-gara keabisan bensin di jalan tol. Lagian bokap gue ada-ada aja. Dia lupa ngisi bensin. Pas ke-inget untuk ngisi bensin, mobilnya udah mati. =P

Ah gapapa. Mungkin emang bukan nasib gue beruntung berada di dalam mobil beroda 4 (as quoted from a friend's sms...).


Kenapa bisa ada orang yang datang pada saat yang tepat. I mean... 'TEPAT'!

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Every morning when you just open your eyes, you receive a brand new paper.
What you do in that day forms what the paper looks like by the end of the day.

It'll look terrible, if you do terrible things to it.
It'll be colorful, if you choose to use colorful pens.
It'll have big worth, if you write important things on it.
It'll have no meaning, if you choose to ignore it...

Have a nice day!

Friday, May 07, 2004

Hari minggu lalu gue and crew baru balik dari 'One Fun Nescafe Jammin' Trip'. COOL!!! One unforgetable memory. The trip is FUN, the crew is FUN, the bands are FUN... But the one thing is sucks... The ***s!!!

But becoz the trip's FUN, it covers all... ;P

Ada satu hal yang buat gue kesel banget selama perjalanan itu.

Suatu hari kita lagi makan bareng. Ada banyak orang, but somehow, me and a friend of mine had to be stuck with 3 bastards. Dasar bastard kali yeee, gak tahu cara ngomong yang baik dan bener, jadi dia kalo ngomong ya asal nyeplos aja. Gak dipikir dulu!
That guy i was talking about, memberikan gue nickname yang gue BENCI banget... gak pernah seumur gue hidup ada yang pernah bilang kalo gue P*C*N!
Sebenernya hari itu bukan pertama kalinya dia ngomong itu ama gue. Dia juga pernah bilang gue BI**H!!!

Apa coba maksudnya?? Tahu apa dia tentang gue??? Siapa dia panggil gue dengan nama-nama itu? Tahu gue juga nggak? Emang cuma gara-gara dia my superior en he can call me with whatever he wants to gitu? Enak aja dia!!!
Dia yang kaya gitu... He shows himself to be one. And he said it while he was acting like a P*C*N! Well, LOOK WHO'S TALKING???

Tapi to be honest sebenernya gue sedih banget. That guy used to be the guy I trust. He was the one I look up to becoz at the time he looked so wise and mature and fun and responsible... He's the kind of superior anybody could want...
Again... I have fallen into the trap of... NEVER TRUST GUYS things.

Yup... they may seem nice
but... =(