Wednesday, May 21, 2008

focus ren, focus!
peringatan pada diri sendiri
terlalu banyak bekerja bisa menyebabkan bingung, ribet sendiri, cape,
pusing, dan tingkat stress meningkat di kepala.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

in this published post, i wanna say...

Wow. :)
Congratulation ya...
I am so happy for u. U have finally found the one. ;)
Semoga langgeng selalu ya. :)

Thursday, May 08, 2008

i feel extremely baddddddd!!!
i am so stuck in the middle of everything. i got one feet at one pole, and the other at another. i really don't know to whom i should talk this to.

one time i feel framed. the other time i feel like i got soooo selfish that i try to save only my ass. other time i feel super duper stupid becoz i tend to say wrong words at wrong timing.

well, right now i am just trying to make things right. real bad... and, it turned out, i feel, i have just done another stupid thing.
haduuuuuuuhhh. bagaimana ini...
now. i am still trying real real bad to fix things.
you know, becoz of the things i said at that wrong time, i feel i have just send us a disaster. (disaster bow, not just something stupid).

GOD, please help.
aku takut...
mudah-mudahan ini semua bukan karena gue.
mudah-mudahan semua akan menjadi kanan.

(hehehehe, gak ada yang ngerti kan gue lagi coba ngomongin apa. memang jangan deh!)