Sunday, May 16, 2004

My father just bought an old car. He said though it's old but the machine is in good condition. So one saturday nite, me, my sisters and my sister's boyfriend think we should give it a try and we're off to EX.

It was pretty much predictable... the machine suddenly stopped. =D
Di menteng pula... where so many police stay tune to gather money! hehehehe (what a saturday nite!)
So... me and my sister's boyfriend and my younger sister had to give the car a PUSH. Funny actually. I have been that experienced in 'mobil yang mogok'.
Baru kemarennya mobil bokap gue juga mogok gara-gara keabisan bensin di jalan tol. Lagian bokap gue ada-ada aja. Dia lupa ngisi bensin. Pas ke-inget untuk ngisi bensin, mobilnya udah mati. =P

Ah gapapa. Mungkin emang bukan nasib gue beruntung berada di dalam mobil beroda 4 (as quoted from a friend's sms...).


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