Friday, October 28, 2005

mari bernyanyi bersama...
gue juga manusia
punya rasa, punya hati
jangan samakan dengan
pisau belati


Monday, October 24, 2005

yesterday i went to church, after so many sundays i missed it. i was an hour late. but this week, not like any other week i went to church, i felt blessed.
with this blog i want to share the lesson i learned on that sunday about building a relationship. There are 6 points to build a good relationship:
  1. Every relationship has rules, both to enter and to remain. It means, it is not easy to enter someone's life and be their friend. And if you have entered, please remember that you have to maintain the rules to remain there and be their friend.
  2. Never allow pleasurable people of today pay the price for the painful people of yesterday. Sometimes the people you are conected with, hurts you. But, don't let that hurt ruin your relationships with others.
  3. The value you place on any relationship is immediately revealed by the price you are willing to pay for it. (kalo yang ini kayaknya udah jelas yah!)
  4. The quality of your life is entirely dependent upon those whom you call 'friend'. There's an old saying that says, 'show me your friend, and i'll tell you who you are'. Your friends shape you!
  5. A life without a harvest is a proof that you have invested in the wrong people. Take time to do this. If there's no change, it's a proof that you have sowed in the wrong people.
  6. I forgot the other one (hehehehe)
segitu aja sih.
agak berat siy blog gue today. but, i think i need to write it down to remind me about it. =)

PS: minggu yang menyenangkan. Trima kasih yah...

Friday, October 21, 2005

i always wonder if there is somebody in this world who loves me 'dearly'. and i always think that birthdays are the perfect time to see it. =)
last year, someone said that he loves me. but he failed to prove it. hehehehe
and this year... =)

and then, birthdays to me is also the perfect time to see if i have been a good person in colouring other people's life.
last year, i have no idea!
and this year... =)

last year, i tried to count how many people loves me. and i managed to count them.
this year, i stop doing it. i'm scared that i may fall into dissapointment. =)

well, at least every year there's some changes in my life.

but the wish remains...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Love Story

One kind hearted summer day at uluwatu you see the most awesome creature you have ever seen. Its name is ***** , and every move he makes just turns you on more and more. You nudge your best friend maria and say, "Wow, that has to be the most lovely body I have ever seen." Suddenly, he looks in your direction and starts walking right towards you!!! he says, "I noticed you staring at me from over there. I just had to tell you, that I think you are so pretty , and was wondering if you'd like to go to pondok indah with me and shopping ?" With a stupid smile on your face you say, "miss you " and go with them. When you finally get to pondok indah , he moves closer to you, and gives you the biggest kiss ever. The two of you are passionately kissing, when you feel a love hit you on the back of the head. You open your eyes to find out it's all a dream, but there is a note left next to your bed.
It reads: "

***** is the love you've been waiting your whole life for. he will ask you out in 7 days or less, but only if you send this e-mail to at least 10 people within the next few minutes. The more people you send it to, the sooner they will ask you out, and you both fall in love. Do not take this lightly, because if you simply ignore this, you will have bad luck in love for the next 7 years!"
it happens all the time!

Friday, October 14, 2005

what should you do if you are a victim of an action that you think is a sexual harassment towards you??

this noon the question appeared to me. it happened after an unknown guy, out of nowhere, suddenly spanked my bill.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

sariawan gue gede banget. di bibir lagi. mo ngapa-ngapain jadi susah.
mo makan ogah, mo ngomong juga males...

semua orang jadinya nanyain gue. males ngomongnya. mo dikasi liat juga kasian kalee. bentuknya jelek banget. bengkak gitu. giling!!!

terus parahnya, hari ini gue gak mandi. gak pulang kemaren, gara-gara nemenin ninuk di acara sahur-nya Global TV. gak ngapa-ngapain juga. cuma nontonin ninuk kerja.

sebelumnya, gue gantiin ninuk ketemu ama ustadz. gaul bow ustadz-nya. ngomong aja pake 'ane-ente'.
hihihi. lucu banget. udah lama gak denger kata itu.
terus gue harus bolak-balik sambil cari mesjid yang ok. susah juga ya bow. yang lebih nyusahin lagi adalah gue harus bolak-balik buka sepatu. susahhh banget. udah gitu gue harus duduk di lantai lagi, bareng temen-temen gue yang semuanya cowo. pas duduk juga kayanya gue gak appropriate deh. masa kayanya pantat gue kemana-mana. hehehehe. (tapi gak segitu vulgarnya kok, masi dalam batas wajar. itu kalo gue gak deket-deket ustadz). hehehehe

terus hari ini gue harus miting ama bos. gak sempet mandi. gak bisa juga siy. soalnya gue gak bawa apa-apa. hehehe. pas miting, untung orang-orang pada gak pingsan ketemu gue. terus, untung aja gue agak putih. jadi orang juga gak notice-notice amat kalo gue belom mandi. hehehehe.

selesai miting ketemu sama temen gue. bukannya nyapa gue, si temen gue yang super iseng ini malah mengendus-endus di sekitar gue. sialan! untung aja gue selalu bawa parfum. jadi biarpun belom mandi, paling gak gue bau keringet murni. yah... paling gak bau keringet campur parfum gue lah. hehehehe.

belom selesai penderitaan gue hari ini, karena gue masih terkejar deadline suting buat besok. artis gue, yang seneng banget bo'ongin gue itu, setengah memaksa gue soal pembayarannya. bukan urusan gue loh padahal. tapi, biarin aja lah. daripada gue gak suting besok. mudah-mudahan aja beres besok.

udah selesai urusan suting besok dan scriptnya, lagi nyante dikit, bos gue yang baik hati datang dan bilang kalo gue harus ada di kantor besok. katanya gue harus presentasi 2 program di depan bos besar. apa mo dikata. gue cuma kuli...
artinya gue harus ikutan suting besok, lalu miting berkepanjangan lagi mungkin sampe sore. hikshikshiks.

ternyata dia tidak hanya datang untuk bilang itu sama gue. dia dengan baik hati menawarkan SJ ama gue. katanya puncaknya buat tahun baru. tapi, acaranya di medan. hehehehe.
dengan cool gue bilang kalo gue ok aja. gak tau dech gimana jadinya. yang penting dia bos gue. tapi artinya semua itu harus gue selesaikan sebelum hari jumat, karena dia harus ke medan hari senin. hihihihi. gue kayanya sudah mulai mengembangkan urat-urat superwoman niy...

to make things worst, gue males mikir dan ngetik kerjaan sekarang. padahal semuanya udah ada di otak gue. tinggal gue ketik aja. dan parahnya gue juga masih punya utang program tayang live hari minggu ini yang belum juga gue selesaikan.

rencananya, besok jadwal gue adalah ngikutin orang-orang yang 'meminta' gue. gue harus ke suting, miting, ke manggarai, balik lagi ke kantor, ngedit 2 program dan masih harus mikir SJ.

kayanya besok gue harus pulang pagi lagi dech...
yang artinya sariawan gue pasti akan tambah gede!

Friday, October 07, 2005

akhirnya puas juga curhat sama orang-orang. kayanya beban aja kalo gak ngomong. btw, gue cerewet banget seminggu belakangan ini. apaan aja gue ceritain. yang gak terlalu penting aja gue ceritain, apalagi yang 'ini'!!!

sedih banget gue... i feel like i've been stabed from behind by my own friend.

kalo yang buat 'ini' bukan (katanya!) temen gue, gue akan tetep sebel sich, tapi mungkin gak se-sebel sekarang. alhasil, bukannya kerja, gue malah curhat lamaaaaa banget. sampe kuping gue panas. hehehehe

gue sadar banget kok.
if 'something' is mine, it won't go away!

*'ini'= adalah kata ganti cerita untuk menggantikan ke-sebel-an yang memuncak ;P
dengan kata lain, daripada cerita, mendingan ganti katanya jadi 'ini'. hehehehe

Thursday, October 06, 2005

describe me the word 'jealous'.


Monday, October 03, 2005


kenapa sih gue hari ini??! eror banget!!!

dari tadi gue gak bisa fokus bikin sesuatu. untung aja gue gak harus melakukan hal yang penting banget, jadi gue paling gak tidak melakukan kesalahan fatal hari ini... ;/