mencoba menendang pikiran jelek. gue mulai mencoba untuk pasrah. elus dada aja. santai. ngilangin stress. :)
i've also made some quite surprising breakthrough. i've avoided malls. malls are not again for every day or every week or every two weeks consumption anymore. i tried not to shop for anything but somethings i think is convenient for me.
i think i've made quite a progress there. hehehe.
in some areas i tried to make a difference too.
i went to see a doctor to treat my hair. and now, i'm loving my hair even more.
well, i should've cut it. it's just too long now. it's reached my hips now. *bangga* :P
i also finally start to go to the gym now. i've started about 2 days ago, and now almost all of my body is aching. not to mention, broke. going to the gym is actually a high maintenance kinda lifestyle.
but i'm happy. :)
i bought a new camera.
small one. but i'm quite satisfied with it. :)
and now i can't wait to go on my vacations. *big grin*
life runs well lah.
errr, well. ada sih yang bikin pengen kesel.
errr, gue sepertinya tetep ngga suka dicuekin, dilewatin gitu aja.
eerrrrgghh, walopun sekarang juga gue lagi elus-elus dada tapi gue pikir semua ada waktunya. time will heal... time will reveal...
and since i have my own great defender,
i shall not worry! :D
eeeaaasssyyy ;)