Monday, April 23, 2007

a few days ago a friend of mine called me. it's a 'she'.
the she is always been my very best friend, in good and bad times, in happy and sorrow time, in joy and in tears.

hi there! =)

she called just to say hi, and as usual exchange some crispy gossips. hehehe.
eniwey, we bumped into the conversation about my pictures taken a few years ago. i was with my other best friend who now is studying in America.
the shocking thing is coz she said back then, in the picture, she said i look soooo young. (ok deh, gue emang udah lebih tua sekitar 3 taonan dari waktu di foto itu).

i wonder!
could i change to look older in just 3 years?? or am i just being sensitive??

as i look at my pictures taken a few years ago and compare it to the pictures taken in recent days, i see myself the difference. i did look innocent back then.

my friend said, it must be becoz i have changed (coz of the time and the old age).
while i don't think i have changed myself that much.

she said, it must be the make up thing.
while i don't think i wear that much make up difference than 3 years ago.

than finally, she said i must have changed becoz of the things happened to me.
yeah, it must be it.
yes... things changed me!

i think the negative things have possesed me too much. negative ion must have been written all over me... :(
that must have changed me!

and then, after the conversation, i decided to change me...
i try to take everything as easily as i could. i try to always think of only positive things. i try to be a child, to think and feel like a child (kalo yang ini bukan berarti gue harus jadi ke kanak-kanakan kan??).

and i took another picture.
hopefuly i have changed. and this time... to be a better me! =)

PS: udah selesai sariawan gue di bibir. sekarang gue sariawan lagi di pipi. hehehe. gak selesai-selesai. kata temen gue, gue musti ciuman biar sembuh. buahahaha. sama siapa?? buahahahahahaha.


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