Monday, March 14, 2005

Have you ever felt so hurt that you are hurt so badly that you cant even cry? I felt it this very early in the morning. I cant sleep. I want to cry, I NEED to cry... but I cant! I read somewhere that when your body is hurt, it'll respond by crying...
Now I feel hurt... but I cant cry! May be I have ran out of tears.. =(

And then I remember the song from Ferdy Element...
'bila aku harus mencintai, dan berbagi hati... itu hanya denganmu... dan bila harus tanpa dirimu... akan tetap kuarungi hidup tanda bercinta...'
Ferdy himself said that when he composed the song, he felt exactly like that... but then he can only live without love for a WEEK.
I sure hope it happen to me too... hehehehe

I always know that I am not strong. And today I have proven it. I am 'menye-menye', just like what Nandy told me. Actually, I just need someone to lean on. Someon eto hold on. And now I just lost one... The one that I've kept this long...

Lagian ini semua memang harus diakhiri. Dari sekian lama pertemanan kita, gue udah mikirin ini dari AWAL. It has to END! Karena sebenenya dilihat dari sisi manapun ini emang salah. Gak baik buat dia, apalagi buat gue. hehehehehe

Sudahlah... sekarang yang paling penting adalah bisa menemukan temen yang sebaik dia. Malah harusnya yang lebih baik lagi... hehehehe
ya iyalah. Mana mungkin gue mau yang mundur. Kalo udah pernah nemuain yang sebaik itu, kenapa gue harus mundur minta yang gak sebaik dia....
ya ngga!


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