baru aja nge-review beberapa tulisan gue di bawah. ternyata gue kalo mood nulis cuma karena gue lagi sebel.
mo dirubah ah... hehehe.
oke. sekarang gue punya cerita baru.
hari ini ceritanya penilaian kerja. hasil gue lumayanlah. gue bisa kerja lah ya. :)
masalahnya setelah baca itu, rasanya gue jadi ngga pede. rasanya gue butuh pede booster.
bukan karena nilainya yang jelek. tapi setelah baca penilaian gue, gue sadar gue emang kurang bisa berkomunikasi.
gue lebih suka diam. kadang gue diem karena gue males aja ngomong. kadang gue diem karena gue ngga mau tau, karena mungkin sesuatu itu bukan urusan gue. kadang gue diem karena gue ngga suka keliatan sok tau (you know, sometimes people say something just because they want to be seen or known or lick somebody's ass, while sometimes what they say is not something important). terus mungkin juga karena kebiasaan, kadang karena kata-katanya ilang aja dari otak gue, jadilah gue diem aja.
padahal setelah gue sadar, seharusnya gue ngomong aja.
it is part of my job to say something. even if that something is not that important. i need to learn to say something in front of many different kinds of people, formal and informal kind of people. i need to learn to formulate a sentence through nice words (this is important!) to be able to produce good understanding, to be able to communicate my message to different kinds of people.
i'll learn.
hope i'll get smarter. Amen. :)
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