Tuesday, November 15, 2011

why do i feel weird??
perasaan gue ngga jelas deh...
mudah-mudahan gara-gara gue lagi dalam masa PMS. jadi emosinya ngga jelas. naik turun. kesel, seneng. terus kadang-kadang terlalu cerewet. (eh, ngga nyambung ya. hehehe).

sepertinya gue udah mulai biasa nih. kalo mau 'dapet' gini rasanya. gue jadi nefting. udah suka mikir yang ngga jelas, terus negatif lagi.
jadi dalam rangka ngilangin perasaan negatif ini, gue mau menumpahkan (halah, menumpahkan... :P) prasangka buruk gue kesini, terus I'm gonna stop thinking about it and forget that everything ever happened. :D

okay. let us begin... :)

i think i'm a fast learner. i think i'm quite creative as a person. and i think when u get to know me well, u'll know i'm quite smart *evil laugh* *pede berath* (and... let's just hope somebody notices me that well. :P).
then, when i begin to think that somebody notices me that i'm good enough at what i do to do something, i feel stumbled. i feel something or somebody doesn't want me to be that good. (and the 'nefting' begins... hehehe).

aseli. i begin to think this person is... *hegh* ngeselin.
pushes people around.

i will just go with the flow. if i do something right, i might rise. :)
well, good deeds never go in vain.


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